Sunday, November 8, 2009

A poem in search of inspiration

A poem in search of inspiration

I lie in silence of the night,
the gentle rain plays music on the window panes
playing songs of joy, songs of love
I long to express my feelings, my thoughts
my heart, my soul
yet the words won't come

The softly falling rain turns to snow
I awake to watch the awe of nature
Snowflakes of such beauty
separate yet connected
Sailing on the breeze through the sky
I watch each delicate flake
a story to be told
yet the words won't come

I sit and stare at the beauty
the beauty of the snow gently swirling to the ground
filled with anticipation
knowing that within my soul
deep within the depths,
the depths of my inner being
there is something waiting,
yearning to break forth
yet the words won't come

the tears flow down my cheeks
salty to the taste
reminding me of days long past
yet the words won't come
and so I wait impatiently
knowing the time will come
the damn will break
the words will flow
yet the words won't come

I'll try again yet another night
to express my hungered longing
and as the night shifts into morning
perhaps the words will come

thalia (c) 2009

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